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Le troupeau

The herd

Le troupeau de la ferme de Nanesse

At the Nanesse farm, the herd grazes all year round in meadows, moors and woods.

Free-range breeding is a matter of course for us. Goats thus feed on fresh grass and leaves which they particularly love. 

All this gives their milk a characteristic flavor of our region, rich in fat.




As winter approaches, the herd returns to the goat herd at night and is supplemented with fodder and barley. Hay is produced on the farm. 

Raven dans la neige à la ferme de Nanesse

In January and February the births take place. The young are raised under the mother for between two and six months.

Sia bébé à la ferme de Nanesse
Chevrette qui tète à la ferme de Nanesse
La race

 The race 

Olga dans un arbre à la ferme de Nanesse

By choosing the Pyrenean breed, we were choosing a local breed.

If it is true that this one does not produce quantities of milk, the quality of this one is however undeniable.


In addition to being particularly beautiful, our goats are very friendly. Each of them has a first name and a very particular character.






Clara à la ferme de Nanesse
Nawak et Rebelle à la ferme de Nanesse
Les chèvres aux soleil à la ferme de Nanesse
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